Naabu is a fast port scanner written in the go programming language. It focuses on reliability and simplicity. This tool is created and managed by Project Discovery.
It is a very straightforward program that quickly checks the host or list of hosts using SYN/CONNECT and reports all ports that only respond. Because of the speed, it saves a lot of time for the users.
Features Of Naabu Tool
- Fast Scanning: Naabu has been streamlined for speed and can quickly scan hundreds of hosts and ports.
- Customizable Scanning: Users of Naabu can alter the scanning settings, such as the port range, the top ports, and the timeout value.
- Modular Design: Users may build their scanners, and add additional features and capabilities to Naabu’s modular architecture.
- Extensive Reporting: Naabu produces thorough reports with information about open ports, HTTP and HTTPS servers, and discovered vulnerabilities.
- Flexible Output Formats: Users of Naabu can select from a variety of output formats, including JSON, XML, and CSV.
- Simple Setup: Naabu is simple to set up and needs very little configuration.
- Nmap Integration: Users can easily integrate Nmap into the tool.
Use Cases for Naabu Tool
Many network reconnaissance and vulnerability analysis activities may be performed with Naabu. Typical usage scenarios include:
- Network Mapping: The network topology may be mapped using Naabu, and each host’s open ports and services can be found.
- Vulnerability Assessment: Naabu may be used to find security holes in a variety of network services, including HTTP and FTP servers.
- Web Application Fingerprinting: Naabu may be used to identify the version and kind of web server being used, as well as to fingerprint online applications.
- Penetration Testing: Naabu is a tool that may be used in penetration testing to find possible weak points and attack routes.
How to install Naabu?
The prerequisite for the Naabu tool are:
- Go Compiler
- libpcap-dev package
This tool can run in any Linux distribution such as Parrot Security OS, Kali Linux or Ubuntu.
Follow the steps to install the tool:
- Go to the GitHub page of the tool.
- Open terminal and type the command shown below.
go install -v
- Now, go to the location where naabu is installed. Check if the tool is installed or not by the ls command.
cd go/bin/
- Move naabu to the bin directory inside the file system.
sudo mv naabu /usr/bin/
By moving it to the bin folder, the user can use the tool anywhere without specifying the tool’s location.
How to run Naabu?
To check this tool, we will use
naabu -host
./naabu [flags]
-host string[] hosts to scan ports for (comma-separated)
-list, -l string list of hosts to scan ports (file)
-exclude-hosts, -eh string hosts to exclude from the scan (comma-separated)
-exclude-file, -ef string list of hosts to exclude from scan (file)
-port, -p string ports to scan (80,443,100-200,u:53)
-top-ports, -tp string top ports to scan (default 100)
-exclude-ports, -ep string ports to exclude from scan (comma-separated)
-ports-file, -pf string list of ports to scan (file)
-port-threshold, -pts int port threshold to skip port scan for the host
-exclude-cdn, -ec skip full port scans for CDN's (only checks for 80,443)
-display-cdn, -cdn display cdn in use
-c int general internal worker threads (default 25)
-rate int packets to send per second (default 1000)
-o, -output string file to write output to (optional)
-json write output in JSON lines format
-csv write output in csv format
-scan-all-ips, -sa scan all the IP's associated with DNS record
-ip-version, -iv string[] ip version to scan of hostname (4,6) - (default 4)
-scan-type, -s string type of port scan (SYN/CONNECT) (default "s")
-source-ip string source ip and port (x.x.x.x:yyy)
-interface-list, -il list available interfaces and public ip
-interface, -i string network Interface to use for port scan
-nmap invoke nmap scan on targets (nmap must be installed) - Deprecated
-nmap-cli string nmap command to run on found results (example: -nmap-cli 'nmap -sV')
-r string list of custom resolver dns resolution (comma separated or from file)
-proxy string socks5 proxy (ip[:port] / fqdn[:port]
-proxy-auth string socks5 proxy authentication (username:password)
-resume resume scan using resume.cfg
-stream stream mode (disables resume, nmap, verify, retries, shuffling, etc)
-passive display passive open ports using shodan internetdb api
-irt, -input-read-timeout duration timeout on input read (default 3m0s)
-no-stdin Disable Stdin processing
-sn, -host-discovery Perform Only Host Discovery
-Pn, -skip-host-discovery Skip Host discovery
-ps, -probe-tcp-syn string[] TCP SYN Ping (host discovery needs to be enabled)
-pa, -probe-tcp-ack string[] TCP ACK Ping (host discovery needs to be enabled)
-pe, -probe-icmp-echo ICMP echo request Ping (host discovery needs to be enabled)
-pp, -probe-icmp-timestamp ICMP timestamp request Ping (host discovery needs to be enabled)
-pm, -probe-icmp-address-mask ICMP address mask request Ping (host discovery needs to be enabled)
-arp, -arp-ping ARP ping (host discovery needs to be enabled)
-nd, -nd-ping IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (host discovery needs to be enabled)
-rev-ptr Reverse PTR lookup for input ips
-retries int number of retries for the port scan (default 3)
-timeout int millisecond to wait before timing out (default 1000)
-warm-up-time int time in seconds between scan phases (default 2)
-ping ping probes for verification of host
-verify validate the ports again with TCP verification
-health-check, -hc run diagnostic check up
-debug display debugging information
-verbose, -v display verbose output
-no-color, -nc disable colors in CLI output
-silent display only results in output
-version display version of naabu
-stats display stats of the running scan
-si, -stats-interval int number of seconds to wait between showing a statistics update (default 5)
For network reconnaissance and vulnerability analysis, Naabu is a helpful tool. It is a versatile and effective tool for network scanning because of its modular architecture, adjustable scanning parameters, and detailed reporting. Network mapping, vulnerability analysis, web application fingerprinting, and penetration testing are just a few of the use cases for Naabu. Naabu is a quick, portable, and adaptable network scanner that you may use.