What is the clear command?
The clear command is a basic Unix computer operating system command for cleaning the terminal screen.
This command first searches the environment for a terminal type, then explores the terminfo database for information on cleaning the screen.
Besides that, any command-line options that may be present will be ignored by this command. Furthermore, this command does not accept any arguments.
This command was developed by the Computer Systems Research Group.
Why clear command used?
To do the task in Linux, every user should know all the commands of Linux. And this command is one of the commands used in Linux.
If a user doesn’t use this command after the completion of one task then the terminal will become a little bit annoying to scroll up or down.
If a user cleaned the terminal but wants to see the previous command they can use the history command. It means this Linux command doesn’t delete the previous command.
How to use the command?
Syntax: clear
To clean the screen of the terminal
The clear command is a basic command and easily to use in any debian distribution.
More about Linux fundamentals is coming in further articles.
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